My Thoughts and Plans...

Smile, It makes people wonder what your thinking.

     As with any new venture there are all sorts of ideas being bounced around as to which direction to take. I greatly appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Here are a few of the ideas I have and some that have been mentioned so far:

Blue Heart Training

                       ...Concealed Carry Training and More

     - Obtain my Federal Firearm License (FFL) to sell firearms. Right now due to my schedule this would not be a full time "Gun Store" but an added service for my Concealed Carry students and available to anyone interested when the store is open or by appointment.


     - Of course sell firearm related items including ammo, holsters, cleaning items and so on. You get the idea.


     - Pick back up on making my leather crafts and possibly selling some. For those of you who don't know I make great book marks. :)


     - Obtain my NRA certification for Firearm Safety Inside the Home along with certification for Firearm Safety Outside the Home then go on and teach those classes.        NOTICE: Completed both Instructor classes this past weekend (03/14 - 03/16) and can now teach Personal Protection In the Home and Personal Protection Outside the Home. Call for information and requirements.                


     - Obtain NRA certification for their Eddie Eagle program and have a class available for youths to learn proper gun safety.

     - I'm not a hunter but I understand it's kinda difficult to get into a hunter safety class so I wouldn't be opposed to checking into that.

     -And last but definitely not least, a long range plan will be to open an indoor range. Wouldn't that be cool.

As things progress and different services are added I'll post them here. Thanks for checking us out.

We all have dreams, it's nice to live them out once in a while.